la fashionique

what are your current obsessions? its all about the nail-plish baby, changing every other day.
what is your weirdest obsession? don't think that everyone thinks iäm the most normal girl ever with orange polish one day and the next light green
what are you wearing today? dieselshorts and katherine e hamnett tisha
what's the last thing you bought? a katherine e hamnett tisha
What you listening to right now? run dmc
What is your most challenging goal right now? grades.....
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
in a big multiculti city, maybe southern asia or south america or the us
What would you like in your hand right now? money, poor bastard
What would you like to get rid off? my headache
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would that be? BOMBAY NO DOUBT
Which language do you want to learn?  italian, russian someday spanish
What do you look for in a friend?  humour
What's your favourite type of music? all about the beats, weither its electro or hiphop or rocknrolla
Whats your favourite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? in summertime, probably the shorts i'm wearing
What is your dream job? journalist, a repoter who travels alot, writes articals that matters and meets intresting people, involved with culture and politics and human rights.
Any favourite models?don't have any special faces, like though patricia schmid and daria werbowy
What would you most likely spend $100 on?  save alot, new phone, travel, clothes
What would you like an endless supply of?let's make them brownies at seven free!!!!
Do you admire anyone's style? aaaaaaaaaa,coco sumner, peaches geldof, alexa chung, zoe kravitz, cory kennedy, erin wasson, m.i.a., irina lazarenanu etc...............
Describe your personal style tfs

Postat av: agnes

100 dollar? det är ju nada money. typ 800spänn

2009-06-09 @ 10:51:52

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